Our Professional Experience
My wife, Sue, and I are the owners of Lawn-Tech, Ltd. I have 49 years in the lawn care profession following graduation from Loyola University of Chicago with a degree in Biology in 1975. In this time, I have personally treated around three quarters of a billion square feet of grass and walked probably 22,000 lawns in our south suburban area. I've seen about every problem that can happen to a lawn. I've used my experience and knowledge to create a custom lawn care program to give your lawn the best results possible.
While all of our people certainly do not have this level of experience and can’t be expected to learn in a couple of years everything I have learned, we think we offer a level of practical experience unmatched in the Tinley Park suburban area. We have 20 lawn specialists who work hard to give your lawn the best possible care it needs. Leading our lawn specialists are our service managers, Len and Jim.
We are used to identifying and dealing with the problems we typically see in our area. These problems can be caused by any number of environmental factors, insects, disease, drought, or other weather conditions, inadvertent damage by the homeowner, and even vandalism. We know how these factors can produce both good and bad results during the growing season. Customers pay us to fertilize and kill weeds, but more importantly, they pay us for our experience in growing and maintaining a nice lawn.
Our arborist, Doug, received a bachelor's degree in forestry from Southern Illinois University in 1981. He spent two years in the Peace Corps working on reforestation projects in Africa. Upon returning from Africa, he began work in the professional tree and shrub care industry. He has been our arborist since 1992.