Weeds in our area
Below are weeds and annual grasses that we see in our customer's lawns
​Spring / Summer

Dandelions are found in most lawns. They have a yellow flower that appears early spring through late fall. It tolerates many soil types and cultural conditions.

Thistle is a problem we see in a lot of lawns. It prefers poor, open turf.

It is a warm season annual weed. Damaged stems will exude a milky white sap. It prefers hot, dry weather on sandy, nutrient poor soils. It is often found in closely mowed, compacted, or disturbed sites.

Black medic is a summer annual. It has 3 oval leaflets similar to clover, except the center leaflet has its own petiole. Its yellow flowers can appear April through October. It can grow in a variety of turf settings but it prefers nutrient poor, drought prone soils.

Knotweed is a summer annual. It prefers compacted soils that are not fertile. It also thrives in sunny areas where there is thin turf.

White clover is a cool season perennial. It has 3 oval leaflets on one petiole. They often have faint white markings on the inner part of the leaflet. Flowers can be white to pink and they appear May through September. It can grow in most lawns, although it prefers moist, low-fertility soils.

It is a cool-season perennial. It prefers fertile, moist soils. It will tolerate some shade, areas where mowing is short, compacted soils and dry sites.

Common chickweed is a winter annual. It can be seen into early summer in cool, moist, or shaded sites. Flowers are small and white and they appear in the spring.

Also known as Creeping Charlie. It is a perennial with small blue to purple flowers. These flowers appear April to June. It prefers shaded sites and poorly drained, fertile soils, but it can spread to sunny sites as well.

Purslane is a summer annual. It flowers yellow July through September. It prefers sunny, fertile, sandy soils. It tolerates poor, compacted soils and drought prone sites.

Violet is a cool season perennial. The flowers can resemble pansies, and they are purple to blue to white. The flowers appear in early spring. This weed prefers fertile, moist, shady sites.

Oxalis is a perennial that flowers yellow from May to September. It has 3 heart shaped leaflets. It prefers fertile, moist sites. It tolerates dry sites once it is established.

Henbit is a cool season annual. It has square stems. It flowers purple to pink to red, and they appear April through June. This weed prefers moist, fertile soil.
Annual and Perennial Grasses

Crabgrass is a summer annual. Crabgrass is most commonly seen around edges of driveways, sidewalks, and streets. It prefers thin, open turf. It is commonly found in lawns that are mowed too short. It can tolerate hot, dry, compacted soils.

Tall Fescue is a cool season perennial. It forms in clumps unless it was seeded in to a lawn. In a bluegrass lawn it is undesirable and can be invasive. The leaves are flat and wide. The upper surface is dull while the lower is glossy. We offer tall fescue control to remove unwanted clumps. Call for an estimate!

Nutsedge is a warm season perennial. It has triangular stems and its leaves emerge from 3 sides at the base. It has yellowish green leaves that almost look lime green when found in a bluegrass lawn. It is found in wet areas in lawns and can spread from there.

Also known as annual bluegrass. It is a cool season annual. It has apple green colored leaves which makes it stand out in a bluegrass lawn. It prefers wet, compacted soils and it tolerates shady sites.

Quackgrass is a cool season perennial. Its leaves are blue-green in color. It prefers well-drained soils. It also prefers thin, drought prone sites.

Bentgrass is a cool season perennial. It is most commonly seen on golf courses. It forms in puffy, dense patches. It prefers to be mown short and like moist, fertile soils.

Barnyardgrass is a warm season annual that forms in clumps. It has thick purplish stems, and it prefers moist to wet sites.

Nimblewill grass is a warm season perennial. It forms fuzzy dense patches in a bluegrass lawn. It is dormant in our cooler weather so it is brown in an otherwise green bluegrass yard.

Goosegrass is a warm season annual. It has a seed head that looks similar to a zipper. It prefers full sun, poorly drained, compacted soils.

Foxtail is a warm season annual. It is clump forming. The stems are red near the base. The seed head is bristly like a fox.

Orchard grass is a perennial grass. It is bluish green in color.